Month: October 2017


The cross-country championships will now be held at Oakwood on Wednesday October 25th . As in previous years we will organise a running trial so that all KS2 pupils have an opportunity to try for the running squad. This will take place on Monday Oct 9th. Please ensure your child has their PE kit on that day. Thank you.

E-Safety Week

Next week the school will have a focus on safety and in particular E-Safety (Electronic Safety). We will be reminding pupils of how to stay safe whilst working online and in the safe use of social media and apps. We have added some useful documents and links on our school website which I encourage you to take a look at. This includes our revised E-Safety Policy which includes acceptable use of the internet which you and your child would have agreed to at the start of the academic year. Also attached with this newsletter is ‘ A parent and carer’s guide to age ratings of apps and games’. I hope this document is of use to you.


As reported last week a number of our staff were competing in the Cardiff Half-Marathon. They all managed to complete the race and are wearing their medals proudly. They would like to thank all of you for the tremendous support and kind donations to the various charities. We are very proud of them here at Mary Immaculate School.


The introductory session will be this Saturday October 7th 4pm-5.45pm at St David and St Patrick Church hall (adjacent to the church). A full schedule of the Confirmation programme has been provided to all our Year 6 pupils. The Confirmation Mass will be on Sunday 1st July 2018 starting at 10am. For further details please contact Catechists Ann 01437-769228, Dominic 01437- 767595 or Gwen 01437-891271. Please keep our pupils in your prayers as they embark on this sacramental programme.