Primary Spring Menu 2021 – English

Join our 200 club
Click here for information about joining our 200 club.
The Friends of Mary Immaculate –
200 Club
The Friends are kindly asking for your support with the 200 Club – especially as we are facing another year with all our normal fundraising events cancelled until further notice. If you can spare £10, please take part in this years’ 200 Club and feel free to ask family members and friends to join.
Once all winnings have been paid the remaining money will go towards our children. The Friends have worked endlessly to obtain the money for the new younger years’ playground. We are now working towards providing our children with an outdoor classroom that can double up as a shaded area at playtime.
Details of how you can pay are below. If you wish to pay by bank transfer please email the friends on with your name, address, telephone number and email once you have paid so we can contact you if you win. Details of The Friends account can be found on the 200 Club renewal letter.
Cash and cheque are also welcome and can be dropped off at the school office. Any cheques to be made payable to The Friends of Mary Immaculate.
Thank you!
The 200 Club
The cost of membership is £10 and the period of membership will be from April to March each financial year (in effect £1 a month with two free months).
The usual monthly draws will give prizes of £30, £20 and £10.
Plus, there are two ‘Super Draws’ in December and July which pay out £150, £100 and £50 in time for Christmas and the Summer Holidays.
The closing date to pay membership fees for the 200 Club will be 31st March each year. Membership will open again the following year with the same 31st March deadline. An application form is printed below and fees may be paid to the school office if you would like to pay by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to Friends of Mary Immaculate 200 Club.
If you would prefer to pay directly into the Friends’ account you can do so using the following details:
Account name: Mary Immaculate 200 Club
Sort Code: 30-93-98
Account Number: 00699509
Please email the Friends on with your name, address, email and telephone number so we can easily contact if you are one of our lucky winners.
200 CLUB
Annual Payment of £10 due by 31st March – payments maybe returned to the school office
NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………..
ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………………………..
POSTCODE .………………………………………………………………………………………….
EMAIL ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………
TELEPHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment received by …………………. Date ……………….

200 Club Winners
Click here for our 200 club winners.
Cheques are now ready to collect from the school office. Please remember to wear your masks when you collect.