The Harvest Mass will be held in school on Thursday 24th October at 9.30am. Any donations for the
Harvest table will be gratefully received.

The Harvest Mass will be held in school on Thursday 24th October at 9.30am. Any donations for the
Harvest table will be gratefully received.
We have some more free tickets available this week – many thanks to
Ceri for keeping us supplied. The next match is Scarlets vs Cheetahs –
kick off 15.00 – Saturday 2nd November and Scarlets vs Benetton
kick off 19.35 – Saturday 9th November. Please see Mrs Evans in the
office if you are interested.
After half-term the pupils should be returning to school in their winter
uniform; this includes footwear. There appear to be a lot of pupils wearing
trainers instead of school shoes. Pupils may bring trainers into school to
change into for playtime football, but at all other times school shoes should
be worn. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Ymadroddyr Wythnos Phrase of the Week
Faint ydy dy oed di? Dwi’n (7) oed.
How old are you? I am 7 years old.
On Friday 25th October the Mini-Vinnies will be hosting an afternoon tea
in the parish hall with members of the SVP. We would like to invite you
to join the community group that meet there on the last Friday of every
month and support the Mini-Vinnies in their annual fundraiser. There will
be a small charge of £2 per person for refreshments. We will be having
the usual collection of foodstuffs which will then be offered to the SVP
and PATCH to distribute to the local elderly and needy. Tickets will be
available for the afternoon tea from next week.
Pope Francis has declared October an Extraordinary Month of Mission. During this month of prayer and action, we pray the breath of the Holy Spirit will bring about a new missionary ‘dawn’ in the Church. God impels us constantly to set out anew, to pass beyond what is familiar, to the fringes and beyond.
The Mission boxes which were given out recently are to be returned by 25th October when the collection will be counted and sent to the Mission charity.
Y Cyngor Cymraeg
This week’s phrase of the week is: Sut wyt ti’n teimlo? (How do you feel?)
Dw i’n hapus, fendigedig, grac, drist (I’m happy, great, cross,sad)
Pam? (Why?)