Dates for your diary – Summer Term 2018

Dates for your diary – Summer Term 2018

Sat 28th Friends Car Boot Sale – 2pm
Sun 29th Year 4 will lead the Parish Mass – 10am
30th Urdd Contact and Girls Tag Rugby
May 2nd National Tests Testing Period Weds May 2nd – Weds May 9th 
7th May Day Bank Holiday
10th Ascension Day
Fri 11th May Procession & Benediction

Year 4 trip to Pwllchrochan

Sat 12th First Holy Communion Mass @11am – St David & St Patrick Church
15th Girls Cricket Festival at Haverfordwest Cricket Club today 10am – 2pm

Year 1 Concert @6pm

16th Withybush Fun Day
17th m&m Theatre will perform the Little Princess for the whole school followed by a workshop for Year 5&6
Sun 20th Pentecost Sunday
Mon 21st Mixed cricket Festival at Haverfordwest Cricket Club 10am-2pm
Weds 23rd KS2 Swimming Gala – Haverfordwest Leisure Centre – afternoon

Primary Athletics Festival @STP 4.30pm – 6.30pm

25th Year 3 Assembly @ 10.30am

Last day of school– HALF-TERM BEGINS

HALF TERM    Begins Saturday May 26th – return to school Monday June 4th
Mon 4th Fishing Group introductory meeting
8th Summer Fayre
Sat 9th Inter-Parish Sports– to be held at the school
13th A group of pupils will be fishing this morning (start of a 5-week block)
Mon 18th Pembrokeshire Cricket Finals Day

Fishing group out

19th-21st Darwin Science Engineering event
19th Music Evening – 7pm (to be confirmed)
21st Bluestone Photography will take Sports Groups, Leavers photos and staff photo
Mon 25th Safe Cycling bike checks today
26th Fishing group out
Weds 27th Year 6 trip to Sealyham (overnight stay) – return Thursday June 28th
28th Feast of St Peter & Saint Paul – mass at St David & St Patrick Church10am
29th Fair Trade Football Festival @ Tavernspite

Year 6 Induction Day

Sat 30th ‘Catholic Schools Athletics Meet’ – Cardiff
July 2nd Year 6  Induction Day
4th Fishing Group out
5th Year 4 trip to Heatherton
Fri 6th School Disco (Yr 4-6)
Sun 8th Year 2 will lead the Parish Mass @10am
Weds 11th KS2 Sports – 1pm start
Mon 9th – July 13th Safe Cycling week

Final Fishing session

Thurs 12th Reception Assembly @10.30am
Fri 13th All after school clubs finish by today. Please check clubs letter.
Sun 15th Friends Sponsored Bike Ride
Tues 17th Final School Mass of the Year @10.30am
19th House football and netball matches – pm
July 20th Yr 6 Leavers Assembly – start time to be confirmed

Last day of Term for the pupils  – break up for Summer Holidays – pupils are to return on Tuesday 4th September 2018


Please note –  some dates may be subject to change and any additional dates for your diary will be highlighted in letters throughout the term.  We do try to give  you as much notice as possible about any changes or further dates.

Remaining Masses, Concerts and Assemblies

Masses in school

17th July 18 – Final Mass 10:30am Year 3 to lead

Masses in Church

Sat 12th May 18 – Year 3 First Holy Communion

Fri 29th June 18 – Whole School Feast of Peter and Paul (maybe moved to Sunday but will go down as a school on this day) Confessions to follow Mass

Sun 8th July 18 – 10am Foundation 4


25th May 18 – Year 3

12th July 18 – Foundation 2

20th July 18 – Year 6 leavers assembly


12th June 18 – Foundation 3

July 18 – Foundation 4


National Tests

The National Tests this year (for Years 2-6) will take place between 2nd May – 9th.

It is important that the pupils be in school during the time the tests are administered to provide an indication of their progress and attainment within the national context.


Summer Uniform

Summer Uniform Just a reminder that weather permitting the summer term uniform is as follows:

Boys:  – White polo shirts; grey trousers/shorts

Girls: Foundation   –  Navy Blue gingham dresses (no white collars please)

Girls: Key Stage 2  –  Navy Blue gingham dresses (no white collars please) or white polo shirts and navy skirt/trousers.

Parents Evening

These will take place on Monday 12st March for Foundation pupils and Tuesday March 13th for KS2 (Years 3-6) pupils. Please ensure you receive an appointment through your child’s classteacher. I will also be available on both evenings to speak to you. No set appointment are required if you wish to speak to me. Please do if you have any queries or concerns.